About Us


  • Teaching through fun and games.
  • Inspiring learners to excel.
  • Student and parental guidance.


  • Foreign language teaching since 1946.
  • More than 2 million certificate holders.
  • Experienced teachers using up-to-date teaching methods.


  • Cambridge English Exam Preparation Centres.
  • Certified courses.
  • CEFR-recognised certification.

“…In an epoch characterised by monopolies, oligopolies, monopolistic antagonism and polymorphous inelasticities,…Our gnomon has to be a metron between economic strategic and philanthropic scopes…”

– Xenofon Zolotas






Since 1946, more than 2,000,000 certificate holders have learnt languages with OMIROS proving the quality of instruction offered at OMIROS Foreign Language Schools.

At OMIROS Language Schools we have the ability to inspire and the experience to convey knowledge to children of all ages as a result of personal contact among teachers and students.

Experienced teachers inspire, motivate and effectively teach thousands of students every year, maintaining the vision and goals that were set in 1946 by the founders, while continuously researching and keeping up to date with the latest developments of foreign language education.

Our language school teachers work closely with each and every student providing them with constant feedback and praise.  We cooperate closely with our teachers informing them about new developments in the field of foreign language education using modern technology and innovative methods.


The OMIROS Foreign Language Centres Association was founded in 1946 initially as the Hellenic American Educational Institute and began to function under the OMIROS brand name in 1968.

OMIROS is a name associated with academic eminence as from our foundation we have had strong links with distinguished academics such as Dimitrios Lampadarios, Dean at Athens Technical University and member of the Academy of Athens, who was the first President of our Association.

Our board has included prominent exponents of Greek intellectual values like Dimitrios Avramidis, upon whose vision, OMIROS was established and who served as the General Secretary of the Association until 1979: Mary Bousboureli, journalist-novelist; Panagiotis Anagnostopoulos, Dean at Agricultural University of Athens; Theodore Kougioumtzelis, professor at Athens Technical University; Stratis Myrivilis, author; Manolis Kalomoiris, founder of the National Conservatory .

It was their vision which provided the cornerstone for our educational goals.